2024 Frontline Members

Frontline is the DCCC’s tested program to ensure Democratic Members of Congress from the most competitive seats have both the resources and cutting-edge information they need to execute effective reelection campaigns. This cycle, our path to retake the Majority hinges on winning these tough Frontline races. These Members need your help to get across the finish line in November.

Mary Peltola AK-AL

Congresswoman Mary Peltola is a Yup’ik Alaska Native and salmon advocate representing Alaska’s At-Large Congressional District. Mary first won this district in a competitive August special election to fill this once safely red seat that was held by the same Republican for nearly 50 years. In winning this seat, Mary made history by becoming the first Alaska Native elected to Congress. A lifelong Alaskan, she began fishing with her father at age six and went on to work as a herring and salmon technician for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game during college. At 24, Mary was elected to the Alaska state House of Representatives. She served in the legislature for 10 years, rebuilding and chairing the Bush Caucus that helped to pass legislation and influence budgets that improved the lives in rural Alaska. She later served as Executive Director of the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Commission, helping to mobilize 118 Tribes and rural Alaskans to advocate for the protection of salmon runs in western Alaska. Mary is laser-focused on the issues that matter to regular Alaskans — fish, family, and freedom. During her time in Congress, Mary has already accomplished so much for Alaskans. She has introduced eight bills already, one being The Food Security for all Veterans Act that was passed out of the House in her first three weeks in office. The Cook Political Report has labeled this district as “Lean Democrat,” but the GOP isn’t giving up just yet. Trump won this state by 10 points in 2020, and the GOP is eager to take back this longtime Republican stronghold. In 2022, Mary spent over $7 million to win this seat. We must ensure Rep. Peltola has the resources needed to keep AK-AL blue.

Josh Harder CA-09

Congressman Josh Harder represents California’s 9th Congressional District centered around San Joaquin County. Growing up, Josh worked as a local paper boy, attended public high school, and earned scholarships from the local Rotary Club and the American Legion to go to college. Before heading to Congress, Josh worked with entrepreneurs and small businesses, helping them to grow and create thousands of new jobs. In 2018, Josh flipped this district from red to blue after his Republican Member of Congress voted to take health care away from millions of Americans - including Josh’s brother. In Washington, Josh is fighting to protect access to health care, create good-paying jobs, and lower costs for Central Valley families. He has successfully delivered new benefits to veterans, new funds to farmers, and new infrastructure projects to the Valley. The NRCC has already listed this seat and Josh as one of their top targets for defeat in 2024, and both Speaker McCarthy and Speaker Johnson have come to Josh’s district to fundraise for his opponent. We need to make sure Josh has the resources to keep this seat blue.

Mike Levin CA-49

Congressman Mike Levin represents California’s 49th Congressional District, which straddles the line between coastal Orange County and San Diego County. The grandson of Mexican immigrants, Mike was raised in South Orange County and worked his way to Stanford University. After college, Mike served in the Coro Fellows Program and then attended Duke University School of Law. He then served as Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Orange County and worked as an attorney focused on environmental and energy regulatory compliance and government affairs. Since coming to Congress, Mike has established himself as a leader on climate action and clean energy, serving on the House Natural Resources Committee and the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. He introduced legislation to transition the nation to zero-emission vehicles, expand renewable energy development, and prevent future offshore oil drilling. Mike also serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee and leads the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. Mike first flipped this seat in 2018 and has been high on the NRCC’s must-defeat list since. Mike spent over $6.5 million to hold this seat in 2022. We must ensure Rep. Levin has the resources necessary to keep CA-49 blue.

Yadira Caraveo CO-08

Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo represents Colorado’s 8th Congressional District. Her historic win in 2022 made her the first Latina to represent Colorado in the House. As a pediatrician serving families in her community, Yadira wanted to help in ways she couldn’t achieve by being a doctor, so she ran for office. In the Colorado state Legislature, she gained a reputation for taking on tough fights and working to get things done by passing legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs, drastically limit toxic pollution, expand funding for preschool, ensure all Coloradans have access to paid family and sick leave, and protect renters from eviction during the pandemic. President Obama named Yadira a Champion of Change for her work with the Union of Concerned Scientists in the fight against climate change. Since being elected to Congress, Yadira is laser-focused on fighting for working families and elevating the voices of those long-ignored. She brings a unique perspective to health care reform and the fight to lower drug and insurance costs and expand access to quality care that we need. CO-08 was a newly drawn district in 2022, and Yadira spent $3.5 million to win this tough pick-up race. This district is a “Toss Up” and is expected to be a competitive race in 2024, with 44% of the registered voters in the district identifying as unaffiliated or independent, but Yadira is up for the challenge. We must ensure Rep. Caraveo has the resources necessary to keep CO-08 blue.

Jahana Hayes CT-05

Congresswoman Jahana Hayes represents Connecticut’s 5th Congressional District, which encompasses the northwestern part of the state and includes Danbury, the Farmington Valley and the Upper Naugatuck River Valley. Jahana grew up surrounded by poverty, drugs, and violence in a housing project in Waterbury, and became pregnant at 17. While supporting her young family, Jahana enrolled in community college, then went on to earn a four-year degree and two advanced degrees. She became a high school history teacher in the same town where she grew up. In 2016, President Obama honored Jahana as the National Teacher of the Year for her dedication to her students and community. As a celebrated teacher and now as a congresswoman, she is a relentless advocate for equitable access to opportunity for all, quality education, affordable health care, food security, labor, agriculture, and the environment. Jahana first entered politics in 2018 and helped Democrats defend this seat which had been historically red for decades. Republicans spent nearly $13 million to defeat her in 2022 and we expect she will need considerable resources to fend off Republican attacks this cycle. We must ensure Rep. Hayes has the resources necessary to keep CT-05 blue.

Nikki Budzinski IL-13

Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski represents Illinois’ 13th Congressional District, made up of communities across Central and Southern Illinois. Nikki has spent her life fighting for workers and working families — beginning her career in the labor movement, fighting to strengthen the middle class and restore the American Dream. Working for the International Association of Fire Fighters, she helped to ensure our first responders have the equipment, training, and health protections they need. She also stood with the United Food and Commercial Workers to make sure grocery workers and meatpackers got a fair day’s pay and workplace protections at dangerous processing plants. As Governor JB Pritzker’s senior advisor on labor issues, Nikki successfully led the charge to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. As President Biden’s OMB Chief of Staff, she helped set up the “Made in America” office to prioritize U.S. companies and manufacturers. Nikki is working hard in Congress fighting to support good-paying jobs and ensure working families aren’t left behind. She has also been elected to serve in a leadership position for the New Democrat Coalition as the Freshman Leadership Representative, and has been appointed to serve on the House Committee on Agriculture and House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Republicans will do anything to flip this seat back into their control and are planning to pour millions into this race. Nikki spent $3.8 million in 2022 to keep this seat out of Republican hands. We must ensure Rep. Budzinski has the resources necessary to keep IL-13 blue.

Eric Sorensen IL-17

Congressman Eric Sorensen represents Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. For two decades, Eric was a weatherman in Northern Illinois keeping people safe by telling the truth, informing, and educating Illinois communities daily. He grew up in a middle-class family in Illinois and has spent his career keeping people informed — as a scientist, meteorologist, and climate change expert. In Congress, Eric has been committed to addressing the rising costs hitting Americans’ pocketbooks, bringing good-paying union jobs back to Northwest Illinois, and investing in trade schools, apprenticeships, and skills training programs to make sure anyone willing to work has a chance to get ahead. After redistricting, IL-17 improved nearly four percentage points toward Democrats. In 2020, President Biden would have won this district with 54% of the vote and it is considered a “Lean Democratic” district by Cook Political Report. Last cycle, Eric spent over $3 million to hold this long-time Democrat-held seat, and Republicans are desperate to flip it in 2024. This race will be one of the most competitive in the country. We must ensure Rep. Sorensen has the resources necessary to keep IL-17 blue.

Frank Mrvan IN-01

Congressman Frank Mrvan represents Indiana’s 1st Congressional District. Since coming to Congress, Frank has worked in a bipartisan fashion to bring people together to solve problems. Frank currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus and the Ranking Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Working with the bipartisan leaders of the Steel Caucus, he has advocated for strong Buy American requirements and steel tariffs that protect our national security interests, domestic steel producers, and steelworkers from unfair trade. Through his work on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, legislation he authored to ensure veterans receive critical benefits was signed into law last year. Frank also advanced legislation through the House to improve accountability and transparency of the Electronic Health Record Modernization program at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. While Frank was easily elected in 2020, Republicans controlled redistricting in Indiana and made this once-safe seat, which has been held by Democrats for 90 years, more competitive than ever before. In 2022, Frank won by a narrow margin after spending over $2.5 million to keep this seat blue. Republicans are lining up to make a play for this seat, and Frank will need to rebuild a large campaign to reach every constituent in his district. We cannot afford to lose Frank, a true champion of the people. We must ensure Rep. Mrvan has the resources needed to keep IN-01 blue.

Sharice Davids KS-03

Congresswoman Sharice Davids represents Kansas’ 3rd Congressional District, which is largely located within the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Sharice was raised by her mom, a single parent who served in the Army for more than 20 years. Sharice was the first person in her family to attend college. She worked her way from Johnson County Community College to Cornell Law School. A member of the Ho-Chunk Nation, Sharice worked on economic and community development with Native American tribes before serving in the prestigious White House Fellowship program under President Obama. In 2018, Sharice ran for office to give Kansans a voice that represented their values in Congress. In flipping this seat from red to blue, she became one of the first two Native American women ever to serve in Congress and the first LGBTQ+ Native American elected to Congress. Sharice has spent her time in office working to create economic opportunity for hardworking Kansans, lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and make sure the government is working for the people — not special interests. She spent $8.3 million to hold this seat in 2022, and the NRCC will pour millions into this race to win this seat back. We must ensure Rep. Davids has the resources necessary to keep KS-03 blue.

Jared Golden ME-02

Congressman Jared Golden represents Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, which is located north of Portland and spans the whole state up to the Canadian border. Jared grew up in Leeds, Maine, and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps after 9/11, serving combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. After earning his college education through veterans education benefits, Jared served in the Maine Legislature representing Lewiston. As a state representative, Jared passed legislation to improve mental health care for veterans and first responders, stood up for working families, and fought for affordable and accessible health care. Elected to Congress in 2018, Jared has been a fierce advocate for Maine, working to expand access to affordable health care, defend protections for people with pre-existing conditions, lower prescription drug costs, and protect Social Security and Medicare. ME-02 is a true swing district. In 2022, Jared beat his Republican opponent in a district that voted for Trump by 10 points in 2016 and seven points in 2020. Jared spent over $6.1 million to maintain the seat in 2022, and the NRCC is out to flip it red. We must ensure Rep. Golden has the resources necessary to keep ME-02 blue.

Hillary Scholten MI-03

Congresswoman Hillary Scholten represents Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District. She is the first Democrat to represent Grand Rapids in 45 years and has made history as the first woman ever elected to this seat. Hillary is an attorney, mother of two, and West Michigan native who has dedicated her life to public service. Her call to service drew her to social work, where she helped members of the LGBTQ+ community who faced housing discrimination. She then went to law school, clerked for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and later worked for the Department of Justice under the Obama Administration. Since being elected in 2022, Hillary has been laser-focused on the issues facing West Michiganders and is already hard at work delivering results. This seat was a rare and top pick-up opportunity in 2022 thanks to redistricting and was considered a “Toss Up” last cycle. Hillary spent over $3.8 million in her history-making campaign last year, helping Democrats to flip a long-held Republican district. The district is only rated a D+1, and the GOP will be spending heavily in a desperate attempt to flip this seat. We must ensure Rep. Scholten has the resources necessary to keep MI-03 blue.

Angie Craig MN-02

Congresswoman Angie Craig represents Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District, which contains all or part of several rural and suburban counties south of the Twin Cities. Growing up in a mobile home park, Angie learned what grit and determination look like watching her mom work for nearly a decade to earn her college degree. Angie worked two jobs to put herself through college, with the help of student loans, and worked her way up over 20 years in business to lead a workforce of 16,000 for a major Minnesota manufacturer. Today, she and her wife are mothers to four grown sons and grandmothers to three grandsons. Angie serves on the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee as well as the Agriculture Committee, where she represents the 4,000 family farms in her district. She is one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, with 75% of the bills she has sponsored gaining Republican support. Angie flipped this seat from red to blue in 2018. Last cycle, she raised and spent $8.8 million to keep the seat blue, winning by a narrow margin in 2022. The NRCC is going after her with all they’ve got and will spend millions to unseat her next November. We must ensure Rep. Craig has the resources necessary to keep MN-02 blue.

Don Davis NC-01

Congressman Don Davis represents North Carolina’s 1st Congressional District in eastern North Carolina. Don is a veteran, educator, minister, and dedicated public servant. As an Air Force veteran, he continued his commitment to public service by becoming the youngest mayor of his town at age 29. As mayor, Don fought for a better quality of life for North Carolina families by rebuilding the economy and investing in decades-old infrastructure projects. Don believed then, as he does now, that our government should work for the people. In 2008, he ran and won his first state senate election. In his six terms as a North Carolina state Senator, Don was a champion for eastern North Carolina, fighting for rural communities and delivering results for families. He worked to expand high-speed internet, raise teacher pay, ensure that military pensions are tax exempt, and secure over $215 million in funding to expand access to quality health care in rural North Carolina. As a newly elected member of Congress, Don is fighting for eastern North Carolina and rural America. NC-01 previously leaned Democratic, but redistricting has turned it into a “Toss Up.” The GOP will spend heavily to flip this seat and expand their narrow majority. In 2022, Don spent over $1.8 million to fend off Republican attacks and win this seat. We must ensure Rep. Davis has the resources necessary to keep NC-01 blue.

Chris Pappas NH-01

Congressman Chris Pappas represents New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District. Born and raised in Manchester, Chris is a proud product of Manchester public schools. After graduating from Harvard in 2002, he returned to his hometown of Manchester to work at his family’s restaurant, the Puritan Backroom. During his time serving New Hampshire at the local and state level, he dedicated his time to delivering opportunities to families in every community. During his first two terms in Congress, Chris sponsored legislation to support New Hampshire’s small businesses, improve access to affordable health care, get veterans the benefits they earned, combat the opioid epidemic, and protect New Hampshire’s drinking water. Chris first won this seat in 2018, making him the first openly gay person to represent New Hampshire in Congress. He spent over $5.2 million to hold this seat in 2022, and the NRCC will put Chris high on their list to defeat this election cycle. We must ensure Rep. Pappas has the resources necessary to keep NH-01 blue.

Gabe Vasquez NM-02

Congressman Gabe Vasquez represents New Mexico’s 2nd District made up of Albuquerque and southern New Mexico, running along the U.S.-Mexican border. Gabe is a first-generation American and a champion for working families who has dedicated himself to public service. In 2017, he was elected to the Las Cruces City Council. During his time as a city councilman, Gabe delivered millions of dollars to increase the Las Cruces Police budget, created and improved parks, updated the district’s infrastructure, promoted policy that created thousands of jobs, and helped craft a comprehensive development plan that focuses on lifting families out of poverty. In 2022, Gabe ran for Congress to be a champion for working families and build an economy that benefits everyone. In his first term, Gabe is working hard every day in Washington to create good-paying jobs, help New Mexico families deal with the rising cost of living, ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable and high-quality health care, combat climate change, and conserve public lands to capitalize on the district’s growing outdoor recreation economy. NM-02 has been a Republican stronghold, with only one other Democrat holding this seat since 2011, but Gabe defeated far-right Republican Yvette Herrell and flipped the district by a narrow margin. In 2022, he spent over $4 million to win this seat. Republicans have their eyes set on NM-02 and will do everything they can to take back this seat, and Yvette Herrell has already filed to run again in 2024. We must ensure Rep. Vasquez has the resources necessary to hold this seat.

Dina Titus NV-01

Congresswoman Dina Titus is currently in her seventh term in the U.S. House of Representatives and is the dean of Nevada’s Congressional delegation. Rep. Titus is a senior member of the House Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Foreign Affairs, and Homeland Security. In 2018, Rep. Titus was elected to become the Chair of a key Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, where she works to help Nevada’s communities better respond to natural disasters, address the devastating impacts of climate change, and fight for infrastructure projects that will benefit the most vulnerable. After helping the Las Vegas community recover from the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, Rep. Titus has emerged as one of the leading voices in Congress for substantive action to reduce gun violence. She is a strong advocate for the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform. An expert on matters of nuclear energy and waste, Rep. Titus leads the effort in Congress to oppose the revitalization of Yucca Mountain.

Redistricting has made her seat significantly more competitive. The newly drawn district now includes Sun City Anthem, Green Valley, Henderson, and Boulder City, as well as the Las Vegas Strip, and the diverse Eastside. We know she has what it takes to win with your help. We cannot take anything for granted this election, as Republicans do everything in their power to retake this seat and the majority. Rep. Titus will continue to fight for progressive values, including reproductive rights, comprehensive gun reform, lowering the health care costs, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and reducing inflation for working Southern Nevadans.

Susie Lee NV-03

Congresswoman Susie Lee represents Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, located in the area south of Las Vegas, including unincorporated Clark County. Prior to her election, Susie worked as a non-profit leader and education advocate. She founded several non-profits in Las Vegas, including the After-School All-Stars, an organization that provides Nevada children with after-school activities and enrichment programs. In Congress, Susie has championed commonsense, bipartisan leadership that delivers results on critical issues like affordable health care, funding to tackle the West’s historic drought, and support for our nation’s veterans. This seat was an important Democratic hold in 2018 following Democratic incumbent Congresswoman Jacky Rosen’s run for U.S. Senate and has only gotten more competitive. In 2022, Susie spent over $6.3 million to keep it blue. The NRCC will likely name her to their top target list, and she’ll need to build another successful campaign. We cannot afford to lose her critical voice in Congress. We must ensure Rep. Lee has the resources necessary to keep NV-03 blue.

Steven Horsford NV-04

Congressman Steven Horsford represents Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, located in the central part of the state and includes most of Clark County. Born and raised in Nevada, Steven has been fighting for working families his entire career. As the son of a single immigrant mother, he worked multiple jobs to help support his younger siblings and was the first in his family to attend college. He led the state’s largest career training program helping thousands of workers find good jobs and made history as Nevada’s first African American Senate Majority Leader. There, he worked across party lines to pass landmark legislation to create clean energy jobs and solve the worst budget crisis in state history. In 2012, Steven ran for and won this newly created congressional seat. While in Congress, he has passed legislation to make housing more affordable, bring down the cost of prescription drugs, and secure funding for Nevada’s schools and job-training programs. He is currently serving as Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Steven spent over $5.3 million to hold this district in 2022, and the NRCC will have it high on their list to take back. We must ensure Rep. Horsford has the necessary resources to keep NV-04 blue.

Tom Suozzi NY-03

As Mayor of Glen Cove, Nassau County Executive, and a three-term
Congressman, Tom Suozzi worked with both parties to get things done
and deliver meaningful results for families across Nassau County and
Queens. From reducing costs to make life more affordable, improving
public safety by supporting police, advocating for bipartisan solutions
to fix our border, caring for veterans, and protecting our environment
by cleaning the Long Island Sound, Suozzi focuses on what matters
most. After fraudster George Santos was ousted, Suozzi is running
to restore trust and ensure that families across New York’s Third
Congressional district have a fighter for them in Congress once again.

Pat Ryan NY-18

Congressman Pat Ryan is a West Point graduate, combat veteran, and U.S. Congressman representing New York’s 18th Congressional District, which includes New York’s Hudson Valley. Pat was elected to office in an August 2022 special election — securing the first victory for Democrats after the Supreme Court’s ruling to roll back Roe v. Wade. His win demonstrated that a woman’s right to choose is fundamentally an issue of freedom. This messaging helped Democrats across the country overperform midterm expectations. In November, Pat swiftly won re-election in the newly redistricted NY-18, becoming the first West Point graduate in its 220-year history to represent the Academy in the U.S. House. In Congress, Pat has introduced legislation to protect access to abortion medication by mail, raise the Tri-Care eligibility age to provide equal access to health care for military children, and expand housing benefits for National Guard and Reserve service members. Pat’s 2022 victories were an upset for Republicans who spent over $6 million against him. Pat is currently the only Democrat to hold a swing seat in New York after winning by a narrow one-percent margin which was one of the closest in the country in 2022. He raised $4.7 million last year and will need to raise even more to stand up to Republican attacks in 2024 and build a strong campaign infrastructure. The path to regaining the House majority runs through Hudson Valley. We must ensure Rep. Ryan secures the resources needed to keep NY-18 blue.

Greg Landsman OH-01

Congressman Greg Landsman represents Ohio’s 1st Congressional District, which includes Southwest Ohio. Greg flipped this seat from red to blue in 2022, defeating the Republican incumbent who held the seat for 27 years. A former public school teacher, Greg is a staunch advocate for the children and families of southwest Ohio. After decades of advocating for issues affecting children and families, including the successful passage of preschool for three and four-year-olds, Greg was elected to the Cincinnati City Council. During his tenure on the city council, Greg fought consistently for youth jobs, affordable housing, domestic violence prevention, small business support, and helped raise wages for city workers and strengthen relationships with local labor unions. In his first term in Congress, Greg is fighting to make government work for everyday Americans by supporting legislation that would lower costs, repair our roads and bridges, and make it easier to raise a family. To flip this seat and fend off Republicans in 2022, Greg had to spend over $2.7 million. Republicans are eager to take this seat back and are already planning to attack Greg’s record of fighting for families and putting their interests first. We must ensure Rep. Landsman has the resources necessary to keep OH-01 blue.

Marcy Kaptur OH-09

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur represents Ohio’s 9th Congressional District on the southern coast of the Great Lakes. A Toledo native who lives in the same home in which she grew up, her Ohio roots run deep. Her father operated their family-run grocery while her mother worked on the line at the Champion Spark Plug factory and on its first UAW organizing committee. The first in her family to graduate high school and college on scholarship, Kaptur earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from the Universities of Wisconsin and Michigan and worked across the U.S. as an urban and regional planner in struggling communities before serving as an urban policy advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Later, while at MIT pursuing a Ph.D. in urban planning and development, she was recruited by local Democrats in Ohio to run against the incumbent Republican. Though outspent 3-to-1, she defeated him in an upset that attracted national attention. Marcy is now the longest-serving woman in House history. As the first woman to chair the Energy and Water Subcommittee of Appropriations, she now uses her senior-ranking position to rebuild the economic strength of her region and the nation. She advocates for America’s homegrown strength and is a passionate voice for workers, seniors, health care, agriculture, small businesses, veterans, and the U.S. military, including as the author of legislation that created the National World War II Memorial. A reliable working-class blue seat for decades, OH-09 is now a highly competitive district, and Marcy spent over $3.7 million to hold it in 2022. The GOP will stop at nothing to flip this seat red and advance their dangerous agenda. We must ensure Rep. Kaptur has the resources necessary to keep OH-09 blue.

Emilia Sykes OH-13

Congresswoman Emilia Sykes represents Ohio’s 13th Congressional District in Northeast Ohio. Before running for Congress, Emilia made history when she became the first Black female lawmaker under the age of 30 to serve in the Ohio legislature. She spent four years in Democratic leadership, holding the positions of Assistant Whip, Minority Whip, and Minority Leader. As a state representative, Emilia fought for tax cuts for working families, funding for high-speed internet, higher wages, and safer working conditions. During her first year as Minority Leader, the percentage of bipartisan bills passed was nearly double each of the previous two legislative sessions. Emilia has received numerous awards for her advocacy, including Legislator of the Year from the Ohio Minority Business Enterprise. Now serving in Congress, she has brought that same passion and commitment to Washington to stand up for the people she represents. Emilia is working to expand economic opportunities for families in northeast Ohio and across the country. The fight to hold this district will be tough, but Emilia has proven she’s a leader who has what it takes to win. In 2022, she spent over $2.4 million to fend off Republicans and win this seat. The GOP will likely spend heavily to influence this election and attack Emilia’s successful track record. We must ensure Rep. Sykes has the resources necessary to keep OH-13 blue.

Val Hoyle OR-04

Congresswoman Val Hoyle represents Oregon’s 4th Congressional District; the Central and South Coast of Oregon, as well as the cities of Eugene and Corvallis. Since her childhood, Val has had a front-row seat to community activism and service. Val’s father was a firefighter and labor leader, and her mother helped organize in support of the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment. In 2010, Val was elected to the Oregon House of Representatives, going on to serve as the Majority Leader. She was later elected statewide to serve as Oregon’s Labor Commissioner, a nonpartisan role leading Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries. In 2022, Val was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives after running a successful Red to Blue race. The NRCC and House Republican Leadership have made flipping this seat a top priority in 2024. With just four seats in between a Democratic House majority and another term of extreme MAGA Republicans in control of the House, holding this seat for Val continues to be a top priority.

Andrea Salinas OR-06

Congresswoman Andrea Salinas represents Oregon’s 6th Congressional District, making her the first Latina elected to Congress from Oregon. Andrea has been an advocate for Oregon families her entire career. As a pro-choice advocate, she has led the fight for more accessible, affordable health care, including helping pass the nation’s most progressive reproductive health care policy that covers everybody in Oregon. While serving as an Oregon state Representative, she worked to pass the nation’s most progressive paid family leave bill. She also introduced and passed a bill that made Big Pharma accountable to consumers and led to lower prescription drug prices. In Congress, Andrea is fighting to expand access to abortion care, tackle the climate crisis, and solve the issues that matter to families in her district and across the country. Andrea has a track record of producing results and knows the importance of finding common ground, working hard, and delivering on the issues that matter most to working families. This district is still a fairly new one as a result of the 2020 census and was a prime pick-up opportunity for Democrats. Andrea spent over $3.4 million to win this district in 2022, and the Cook Political Report currently rates the district “Lean Democratic,” more competitive than last cycle. Republicans will be eager to flip this seat red in 2024. We must ensure Rep. Salinas has the resources necessary to keep OR-06 blue.

Susan Wild PA-07

Congresswoman Susan Wild represents Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District. The 2020 redistricting process made her Frontline district even more competitive, shifting it from a Biden +5 to a Biden +0.5. Before running for Congress, Susan built a well-respected and recognized legal practice and became the first female Solicitor of the City of Allentown, a position in which she shepherded a new era of accountability and transparency. In 2018, she flipped this seat from red to blue, becoming the first woman ever to represent the Lehigh Valley in Congress and the only Jewish federally elected Pennsylvania official. Since coming to Washington, Susan has become a proven consensus builder and has become a leader in mental health issues and lowering drug costs. She has also worked across the aisle to fund critical, life-sustaining programs like Meals on Wheels and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. In 2022, Susan spent over $7 million to hold this seat, narrowly winning re-election by two points while withstanding a windfall of negative spending and campaigning by the GOP. With new district lines, the NRCC will make her a top target for defeat in 2024. We cannot afford to lose her voice in Congress. We need to ensure Rep. Wild has the resources to keep PA-07 blue.

Matt Cartwright PA-08

Congressman Matt Cartwright represents Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District, located in the northeastern region of the state. Since taking office in 2013, Matt has introduced more legislation supported by both Democrats and Republicans than any other House Democrat. In 2019, the Center for Effective Lawmaking named him one of the most effective members of the U.S. House for his record of advancing real solutions to the biggest issues our nation faces. In the past few years, Matt has gotten bills signed into law that protect veterans from being scammed out of their hard-earned benefits, prevent government officials from using taxpayer dollars on personal expenses, safeguard the rights of victims of child pornography, and assist public schools in becoming more energy efficient. A senior member of the powerful House Committee on Appropriations, Matt serves as the Ranking Member of the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Subcommittee. On this committee, Matt ensures we are investing in climate research at the level demanded by the threats posed by extreme weather and in the safety of our communities, first responders, federal prisons, and brave correction officers who go to work in them every day. Matt plays a pivotal role in protecting seniors, workers, families, and small businesses. He spent over $5.4 million to hold his seat in 2022, and the NRCC will have him at the top of their list to defeat in 2024. We must ensure Rep. Cartwright has the resources necessary to keep PA-08 blue.

Chris Deluzio PA-17

Congressman Chris Deluzio represents Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District. Chris is an Iraq War veteran and former voting rights attorney who decided to run for Congress in 2022 to protect our democracy from MAGA extremism. After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, Chris served as an officer in the Navy and deployed overseas multiple times. He received his law degree from Georgetown Law and has worked to protect voting rights and our elections. Chris has focused on fighting for democracy reform in Congress, supporting bills like the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. He believes we’re all served better by impartial and fair maps, not gerrymandered ones. He won’t shy from a fight with those on the radical right who would attack our freedoms and throw out our elections in exchange for power. In Congress, Chris is also fighting for better jobs and greater opportunities and is dedicated to defending union, worker, and women’s rights in the 118th Congress. Redistricting has made PA-17 more Democratic, and the Cook Political Report rates this district as “Lean Democratic,” but the GOP believes flipping PA-17 is key to expanding their narrow House majority. The NRCC already has their eyes set on this seat, attacking Chris whenever they get a chance. Chris had to spend over $3.2 million in 2022 to fend off their attacks. We must ensure Rep. Deluzio has the resources necessary to keep PA-17 blue.

Vicente Gonzalez TX-34

A proud son of a Korean War veteran, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez has been an advocate for working families his entire life. After graduating law school, Vicente started his own law firm in McAllen, working diligently to defend the middle class from corporate greed. He is currently serving his fourth term in Congress, fighting for South Texas values as a member of the Committees on Financial Services. He has helped constituents cut through red tape and worked across the aisle to deliver for veterans. Vicente is working to lower prescription drug prices, protect benefits and health care for our seniors, and create good-paying jobs to build up our economy and grow the middle class. Vicente is a battle-tested incumbent who has fought and delivered for South Texas time and time again. In 2022, Rep. Gonzalez beat his opponent by over 10,000 votes – in a year Republicans predicted a “red-wave.” We must ensure Rep. Gonzalez has the resources necessary to keep TX-34 blue.

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez WA-03

Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez represents Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. Marie is a fifth-generation Washingtonian who built an independent auto repair shop with her husband from the ground up. The shop has grown to six-bays wide, and they are able to provide living-wage jobs to their employees. Like so many other Washingtonians who live in rural areas, Marie and her family have been facing increasing health care costs. They struggled to find quality affordable childcare, and until recently, took their son to the auto shop with them. Marie's voice as a rural working mother is invaluable in the halls of Congress, and she brings the voices of working people to D.C. In the House, she is working to support small businesses and workers’ rights, get big money out of politics, tackle inflation, and lower the costs of health care and prescription drugs. The seat was an unexpected and tough pickup in 2022. Marie flipped this traditionally red district and spent over $3.8 million to win the seat. The Cook Political Report already has this race classified as a “Toss Up,” and the GOP is going to work hard to flip this seat and expand their narrow House majority. We must ensure Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez has the resources necessary to keep WA-03 blue.

Kim Schrier WA-08

Congresswoman Kim Schrier represents Washington’s 8th Congressional District, which stretches from the exurban communities east of Seattle and Tacoma, across the Cascade Mountains, and into the rural, agricultural communities of central Washington. Prior to her election, Kim spent her career as a pediatrician serving thousands of families and was compelled to run for office after Trump’s election in 2016 when her Representative voted to take away health insurance from her patients and their families. The daughter of an elementary school teacher and the product of public schools, she is committed to ensuring all our children have the chance to succeed in a middle class centered economy that works for everyone. In 2018, she flipped this seat from red to blue for the first time ever in one of the most expensive races in the country and spent $3.8 million on her 2020 campaign. As the first pediatrician and only pro-choice woman doctor in Congress, Kim brings a vital missing voice as Congress debates reproductive rights, children’s health, and affordable health care and prescription drugs. She is also passionate about conservation and transitioning to a clean energy economy, so our children have clean air and water and our communities are protected from the impacts of climate change. The NRCC wants this seat back and will spend heavily to win. We must ensure Rep. Schrier has the resources necessary to keep WA-08 blue.